Saturday 1 October 2016

I'm not dead yet!

Just a quick update today. The StIRLing Project is still in progress, I just haven't had time to work on it for a while.

I've decided to design and manufacture a custom circuit board, as I don't really trust the wiring on the PCB I put together last year (too many loose/exposed wires).  This has taken much longer than expected, so I've had to put this element on hold for the past nine months or so.  When I have more time, I will complete the circuit board and begin testing.

On the programming side, I have been conducting some research and experimentation.  Over the past several months, I have learned a lot about Python's OpenCV library, experimenting with webcam-based gesture recognition in the process.  Additionally, I have been looking for ways to implement Reinforcement Learning (RL) in Pybrain using a neural network.  No success yet, but I haven't given up!

I have exams right now, so I will not have time to work on the StIRLing Project until afterwards.  However, these will be over in a month or two, so I should have more time available.  I am still keen to finish this project, I just haven't had time to work on it.